Monday, August 13, 2012

Further Evidence That I'm Actually 12

This past Halloween I ran into a problem.

It is, I would venture to say, the most common problem a person can face around Halloween. The question of what costume to wear. This past Halloween fell on a Monday, meaning there was as at least two days of celebrating to be had over the weekend, which in turn meant I might need to have two costumes.

I have one pretty good standby costume. I dress up as "Hawkeye" Pierce from M.A.S.H. I believe in simplicity when it comes to Halloween costumes, so if I can assemble a good costume by only purchasing a new shirt, that's what I'm going to do. So, while I had one costume ready to go, there were still two problems. First, I had used that costume the year before. Second, I was going out more than one night. Therefore, I needed, another costume.

I had a solid back-up in place, one I had been waiting to implement since my freshman year of college.  I was going to go as Charlie Conway from my all-time favorite childhood movie, "The Mighty Ducks." The ultimate underdog story of kid's underdog sports stories, this was the movie that inspired me to play hockey as a child.

But Chris, you ask, aren't hockey jerseys expensive? Yes, yes they are, which is why I found a website that sells Mighty Duck shirts that look like jerseys. Name and number on the back and everything. Perfect, right? Right, except...

Before I went out on the second night, my friend and I were heading out to see a hockey game, which may or may not be ironic, and walked past some girls, all dressed in the exact same shirt I had purchased. This was a problem since I had no idea who these girls were, but knew they were heading out to the bars much as I was that evening. With so few bars at my college, I knew I was bound to run into them. In an effort not to seem like a creepers, I decided I had about 3 hours to come up with  a back-up plan.

My idea was to stick with simple, so after the hockey game my friend and I went to Wal-Mart. I bought a shirt with a Superman logo and went as Clark Kent. (Fun fact: I actually wear glasses!)

Now, I don't normally buy superhero-themed graphic tees. I went through a little phase in high school, but then, who didn't? The point of this post is also not to discuss my past Halloween, but to discuss this shirt.

Wearing that shirt for the first time had an unexpected side-effect that is hard to describe. The reason it's hard to describe is that the feeling I got is stupid for a 22-year-old to have when he puts on a Superman shirt from Wal-Mart. I don't want to say I felt more confident, or invincible or stronger, but I did feel more at ease.

I'm a it of a high-strung person, and, again, I won't say it made me less high strung, but I did feel more relaxed.

I've watched Superman cartoons since I was a child. He is perhaps one of the most recognizable pop-culture icons. When I put on that shirt and saw I was the one wearing the shield, I felt different. I don't even like Superman that much. Ask any comic nerd and they will tell you the concept of Superman is boring. The invincible man who can fly and shoot lasers isn't very interesting at its root. But that root is exactly what is tied to that shield Superman wears on his chest, and when I put it on I couldn't help but connect that strength with myself.

It's not a very mature thought, and probably highlights some issues within my psyche, but try it sometime, and let me know if those feelings don't crop up in some small form or another.

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