Thursday, April 14, 2011

What do I watch next? A Netflix Dilemma

Over spring break, I got home to find a month long free trial of Netflix waiting for me. So I took my Nintendo Wii, plugged it into Walt's 52 inch TV and sat on the couch for 7 days working my way through Buffy the Vampire Slayer starting with Season 4. Today, I watched the last episode of the series. However, now the trouble begins because the question now becomes what do I watch next?  I've narrowed it down to 4 choices, head to the comments with your recommendations.
Option 1: White Guys on Bikes
1. Sons of Anarchy
My basic understanding of this show is that it involves a motorcycle gang and Ron Perlman. I could definitely dig both of those thing.  Plus Katey Sagal is supposed to be really good in this show, and who doesn't like Katey Sagal? This show is also supposed to be dramatic and dark. I'm not really sure how comedic it is and the last two seasons of Buffy are really dark, so I don't know how ready I am to keep watching something dark.
Option 2: Nerd Alert
2. Battlestar Galactica
A sci-fi series, and supposedly one of the best TV series ever. I know it involves robots, space battles, people searching for earth, and a lot of political allegory. Theres no particular actor I would watch this for, and again this show, from my understanding, is also pretty serious.
Option 3: Hot Girl and Bald Guy
3. Veronica Mars
 A mystery series featuring Kristin Bell, I've only seen the fourth season, which from what I've read is the worst, or most flawed season. So I'd be excited to see the earlier ones to see how the show evolved. This show while having some dark themes is similar to Buffy in that it has snappy dialogue that provides lots of lighter comedic moments.
Option 4: Vamps and Tramps
4. Angel
The logical next step, as this is a spin-off of Buffy, but I think I've had my fill of vampires for a while. This show also is not as consistent in its story telling abilities so I don't want to struggle through any boring episodes.
Option 5: Two Guys, a Girl, and some bowties
5. Premium cable series
Instant Netflix has a lot of premium cable shows available for streaming like Party Down and Weeds. I've heard good things about both, and Party Down is a comedy, so that might be the way to go.
Option 6: No relation to Lex
6. British television series
There is also a lot of British TV available on Netflix, which is good because the only way to get British TV in America is through BBC America, PBS, or DVD and none of those options are reliable. I've noticed Luthor starring Idris Elba which is supposed to be good as well as MI-5 and a show called Survivor which is supposed to be post-apocalypticy

So there are some ideas, what do you think? Like any of these ideas? have some of your own? Hit the comments and let me know.

1 comment:

  1. Let me assure you that if you don't watch the first two seasons of Veronica will never forgive yourself. I can't believe you started with the third season (though it's still good), you may have done irreparable damage.
